World Vegan Day 2023 | Why is Veganism Important?

World Vegan Day 2023 | Why is Veganism Important?

Every year on November 1st, people around the world observe World Vegan Day to raise awareness about veganism and to inspire others to adopt a vegan diet.

The vegan lifestyle is becoming more and more popular in our culture as an easy-to-follow lifestyle. World Vegan Day is a worldwide celebration of veganism and its benefits to the environment, animals, and human health. This yearly celebration inspires individuals all over the world to investigate and adopt a vegan lifestyle. This entails avoiding the use of animal products for clothing, food, or any other reason.

On World Vegan Day, we have the chance to spread the word about the advantages of veganism. It is to increase public awareness of animal rights, and encourage ethical and sustainable lifestyle choices.

What is Veganism?

Avoiding the use of animal products and extending the vegan philosophy to prohibit the commodification of animals is the practise of veganism. A vegan is a person who adheres to this way of thinking regarding his food and way of life.

World Vegan Day

Every year on November 1, World Vegan Day is observed to promote veganism and inspire people to adopt a vegan diet. The practise of refraining from using animal products and from exploiting animals is the focus of the day. It encourages people to choose vegan foods and products that don’t involve animal exploitation in order to adopt a vegan lifestyle.

The day after Halloween is World Vegan Day, observed globally.The date of Halloween is October 31. And World Vegan Day is observed the day after. It promotes the advantages of abstaining from and outlawing animal exploitation and showing compassion and love for other animals as well as the environment.

History of World Vegan Day

In 1994, World Vegan Day was founded in England. The day was created by vegan animal rights activist Louise Wallis to commemorate the Vegan Society’s 50th anniversary. She presided over the Vegan Society as its president. She drew attention to the fact that the word “vegan” was then the part of English language and emphasised the persistence of the vegan association.

World Vegan Day has been instrumental in elevating veganism’s profile as a respectable and moral way of life that benefits people’s health, the environment, and animals.

World Vegan Day: Significance

  • Veganism has been around for more than 2,000 years. Renowned individuals such as the Greek mathematician and philosopher Pythagoras subscribed to veganism, which vows to never again harm animals.
  • Eating foods and products derived from plants that do not harm animals is part of a vegan diet. There are many advantages to a vegan diet for both the environment and human health. The purpose of World Vegan Day is to spread the word about the benefits of a vegan diet and to increase awareness of it.
  • There are numerous public events, food festivals, and small-scale carnivals held in observance of World Vegan Day.

4 Reasons to go Vegan this World Vegan Day

World Vegan Day 2023 | Why is Veganism Important?

1. It’s the Finest Approach to Aid Animals

Every vegan saves almost 200 animals annually, in case you were unaware. Selecting vegan diets over meat, eggs, and dairy “products” is the simplest way to alleviate suffering and aid animals. Without getting into specifics, one of the easiest ways to protest animal abuse and exploitation worldwide is to steer clear of animal products.

2. Reduce Weight and Boost Energy

Is your top resolution for the coming year to lose a few extra pounds? On average, vegans weigh up to 20 pounds less than meat eaters. Additionally, adopting a vegan diet gives you plenty of energy and the ability to permanently lose excess fat, in contrast to unhealthy fad diets that wear you out. Research has demonstrated that adopting a vegan diet can play a significant role in assisting people in losing excess weight.

3. Become Happier and Healthier

The Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics states that compared to meat eaters, vegans have a lower risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure, cancer, and heart disease. Well-thought-out vegan diets are full of all the nutrients our bodies require and adhere to healthy eating guidelines. Consuming vegan foods increases the amount of space in your diet that can be devoted to nutritious whole grains, fruits, nuts, seeds, and vegetables—all of which are rich in fibre, vitamins, and minerals—and other health-promoting foods.

Read more: Vitamin D | How to get it the Vegan Way

4. Preserve Planet Earth

Meat has a negative environmental impact. In addition to being wasteful and producing a great deal of pollution, the meat industry is a major contributor to the climate catastrophe. We are all aware of ways to lead greener lives, such as recycling our household trash and riding our bikes to work. Avoiding all animal products is one of the best things a person can do to reduce their carbon footprint.

How can I Become a Vegan

Everybody’s path to veganism is unique. At first, going vegan may seem overwhelming. There is a plethora of knowledge to gain regarding:

  • the effects animal agriculture has on animals,
  • the treatment of workers in these sectors,
  • the health risks associated with animal products, and
  • the environmental damage animal agriculture causes.

First, think about the people you actually know. They can be excellent sources of information when it comes to finding cruelty-free clothing and cosmetics, learning about vegan diets, getting answers to your queries regarding animal agriculture, and discovering the best places to eat vegan food.

As many people attempt to discredit and debunk veganism, take your time and learn everything you can to ensure that you are firmly rooted in your beliefs.

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