Different Types Of Tea And Its Interesting Health Benefits!

Different Types Of Tea And Its Interesting Health Benefits!

Green, black, oolong, and many other types of tea are all made from the same plant, a shrub known as Camellia sinensis.

Do you enjoy waking up to a cup of green tea to get you going or a cup of chamomile to relax you before bed? It’s difficult to argue against the calming and supportive qualities of a warm cup of fragrant tea, even if it’s not, like, your thing. Some herbal teas are not only delicious, but they also have positive effects on health. In actuality, herbal teas have been used for hundreds of years as homoeopathic treatments for a wide range of illnesses.

While there are likely health benefits to drinking tea in general, different teas each have their own special advantages. So make a cup for yourself and keep reading to learn about the top ten healthiest teas.

What Are the Best Types of Tea for Health?

In his book “The Book of Tea,” 19th-century Japanese scholar Okakura Kakuzo asserts that tea “began as a medicine and grew into a beverage.” Modern studies on the origins of tea drinking around the world confirm that this beverage was initially consumed more for mindfulness purposes, encouraging the drinker to take slow sips and be present.

Different Types of Tea

Which kind of tea should you have now that you’re hankering for a warm mug of it?

1. Green Tea and types of Tea

Different Types of Tea: Green Tea

The green tea family includes white, oolong, green, and black teas; they differ in terms of the degree of fermentation. Matcha is a variation of green tea in a powder form. But the nutritional profiles and properties of the two are marginally different.

For many years, green tea has been known for its therapeutic qualities. Recent research suggests that green tea may safeguard a number of aspects of our health. To start, this beverage has been shown to improve cognitive function, improve working memory—the kind of memory we use every day. The same green tea polyphenol is also thought to inhibit the development of tumour cells in some cancers, including pancreatic cancer.

2. Black Tea

Different Types of Tea: Black Tea

Retelny points out that research suggests black tea may help prevent cancer, heart disease, diabetes, inflammation, and cognitive decline. According to one study, elderly people who regularly drink black tea have a lower risk of developing neurocognitive disorders like dementia.

Black tea might be a good alternative to green tea if you want to prevent type 2 diabetes but don’t like it. In comparison to other teas, black tea’s processing and caffeine content have demonstrated more advantages in terms of preventing and treating obesity.

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3. Oolong Tea

Different Types of Tea: Oolong Tea

Between black and green teas, oolong tea is a partially oxidised tea with a high concentration of polyphenols that has a number of health advantages. Regular oolong or green tea consumption has been known to a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Oolong tea consumption has the potential to assist individuals in achieving or maintaining a healthy weight.Oolong tea extract might aid in weight loss and obesity prevention. Significant antioxidative, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer properties are present in the tea.

4. Chamomile Tea

Different Types of Tea: Chamomile Tea

If you need to unwind before going to bed, think about drinking some chamomile tea. One of the first medicinal plants to be used is chamomile, which has a number of therapeutic benefits.

In addition to having potential anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anticancer, and blood pressure-lowering properties, chamomile tea may aid in immune system stimulation. In fact, research suggests that it might enhance the quality of sleep for postpartum women and older adults. According to additional research, chamomile may help with premenstrual syndrome (PMS) symptoms and blood sugar regulation.

5. Ginger Tea

Different Types of Tea: Ginger Tea

The traditional root, which is famous for its medicinal benefits, is a secure and efficient treatment for nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy and pregnancy. Ginger tea is a well-known anti-nausea remedy and is bursting with disease-fighting antioxidants.

Adults with cancer who experience post-chemotherapy nausea can benefit from ginger. Additionally, gingerols—the substances that give ginger its distinctive flavour and aroma—might be helpful in treatments that function as preventative measures for conditions like diabetes and cancer. Additionally, research suggests that ginger may relieve indigestion, prevent stomach ulcers, and lessen menstrual cramping.

6. Peppermint Tea

Different Types of Tea: Peppermint Tea

Peppermint is known for supporting healthy digestion, much like ginger. Menthol, a substance found in peppermint, can ease bloating by relaxing the intestinal tract.

Since peppermint tea is caffeine-free, it’s also a great choice for a calming beverage before bed. While supporting digestive health is the most common use for peppermint tea, it also has antioxidant, anticancer, antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

7. Hibiscus Tea

Different Types of Tea: Hibiscus Tea

Hibiscus tea can help lower blood pressure, lower oxidative stress, and improve cholesterol levels if you consume it twice daily. Additionally, hibiscus might be able to prevent obesity. According to studies, hibiscus calyx and leaf extracts have antioxidant and antitumoral properties.

If you take diuretics, however, be sure to consult a doctor before consuming hibiscus tea as it could interact with your medication.

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8. Jasmine Tea

Different Types of Tea: Jasmine Tea

Since jasmine blooms also contribute their own medicinal properties to the mix, the advantages of jasmine tea aren’t just attributable to the antioxidant effects of the tea plant. The smell of jasmine has been associated with better physical health and is thought to lessen the effects of stress.

And there is a valid reason if you choose to drink jasmine tea merely because you adore the way it smells. Jasmine tea has a calming, able to calm nerves, and able to control mood aroma.

9. Rooibos Tea

Different Types of Tea: Rooibos Tea

The tea known as “redbush tea,” or rooibos, is another variety with antioxidant properties.

By giving the liver a better antioxidant capacity to lessen damage brought on by toxins, consuming unfermented rooibos herbal tea on a daily basis may be beneficial to human health. Additionally, rooibos has been linked to a reduction in blood pressure and a calming effect on tense muscles.

Rooibos doesn’t contain any caffeine, unlike green or black tea, so it won’t have the same stimulating effects. It is therefore safe to consume alcohol well into the evening.

10. Lemon Verbena Tea

Different Types of Tea: Lemon Verbena Tea

Lemon verbena tea is another herbal beverage whose therapeutic benefits are coming to light more frequently. This plant’s polyphenols have the ability to reduce the production of fatty acids, suggesting a potential role for use in the treatment of health problems associated with obesity.

Additionally, some people with multiple sclerosis may benefit from having their blood levels of inflammatory markers reduced by lemon verbena extracts, according to research.

Safety & Side Effects of different types of Tea

Some herbal teas contain ingredients that some people may be allergic to. For those who are allergic to ragweed or members of the daisy family, avoid dandelion tea. Additional issues include:

  • Caffeine: Black tea has the highest caffeine content out of all the teas and brands. White, green, and oolong tea are the least expensive. In the afternoon or evening, those who are sensitive to or allergic to caffeine should stay away from all teas with caffeine. Instead opt for herbal, white, green, or oolong teas.
  • Anaemia due to a lack of iron: Tannins and caffeine in tea (and coffee) can inhibit the absorption of iron, particularly from plant sources. Vegans, vegetarians, and people with anaemia should be cautious when drinking tea.

A Final Word on Types of Tea

Beyond these classifications, there is a huge variety of distinct tea varietals, growing environments, and processing techniques. Due to the distinct terroir of their surroundings, teas grown in different locations will develop different characteristics. Even when using the same varietal of tea and similar growing and processing conditions.

Enjoying a cup of your favourite tea may be a relaxing way to carve out some self-indulgence time and subtly stimulate your physical and mental well-being.

Never forget that, as the proverb goes, “one swallow does not a summer make”. And that leading a healthy lifestyle will yield the greatest health benefits.

Read more: कब्ज के लिए सर्वोत्तम आयुर्वेदिक दवा और उनका उपयोग कैसे करें

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