Hibiscus Hair Oil: Its Benefits And How To Make It At Home

Hibiscus Hair Oil: Its Benefits And How To Make It At Home

Hibiscus flowers are not only a lovely flower, but they are also a fantastic solution for hair problems. Hibiscus flowers and leaves are the ideal treatment for hair loss and can stop hair fall in its tracks.

Vitamin C, flavonoids, amino acids, fibre, and antioxidants are all abundant in hibiscus and are excellent for moisturising and nourishing your hair and scalp. The amino acids create keratin, a structural protein that serves as the basis for hair. In addition, the leaves and flowers of the hibiscus plant are rich in mucilage, a natural conditioner.

Additionally, hibiscus:

  • prevent hair loss
  • make your hair appear lustrous and healthy.
  • minimise early greying
  • thicken and volumise hair
  • cure for dandruff
  • protect from breakage, dryness, and frizz
  • avoiding split ends

Therefore, it won’t be a stretch to refer to hibiscus oil as the new hair elixir.

Hibiscus Hair Oil: Its Benefits And How To Make It At Home

Hibiscus Oil’s Hair Benefits

If you’re not familiar with the advantages of hibiscus oil for hair, we have a few of them here so you can see why you should start including hibiscus oil in your hair care regimen right away.

1. It encourages the growth of hair

A natural powerhouse of amino acids, hibiscus gives your hair the nutrients it needs to grow hair. Amino acids aid production of keratin. Keratin is a component of hair that holds the hair together and prevents breakage. The thickness of the hair strands is also encouraged by keratin, which makes the hair much easier to manage.

2. Hair conditioning by hibiscus

Chemical-laden hair products deplete our hair of its natural nutrients and oils. Over time, this significantly dries out our hair. This is why using a natural oil to moisturise your hair becomes crucial if you want to prevent dull and damaged hair.The mucilage found in hibiscus flowers is a naturally occurring conditioner. Hibiscus leaves and petals that have been crushed have a slimy texture because of mucilage.

3. Hibiscus stops balding

The well known baldness treatments finasteride and minoxidil have been found to be less effective than hibiscus extracts. Hibiscus can prevent hair loss and encourage hair regrowth when you use it regularly.

4. Shield your scalp from environmental stressors by hibiscus.

The astringent properties of hibiscus soothe your itchy scalp and shield it from UVB rays. Hibiscus’s purifying properties balance your scalp’s pH level and prevent oil buildup.

5. Hibiscus can stop premature greying of the hair

Hibiscus was traditionally used as a natural dye to cover grey hair. Hibiscus contains vitamins and antioxidants that aid in the production of melanin, the pigment that naturally gives hair its colour.

How can I make hibiscus oil at home for my hair?

Let us show you how to make a simple DIY and hibiscus oil in the convenience of your own home.


  • 1 cup of coconut oil
  • 10 hibiscus leaves
  • 10 hibiscus flowers


  • Step 1: Make a fine paste by grinding together 10 hibiscus flowers and 10 hibiscus leaves.
  • Step 2: Add the hibiscus paste to the warm coconut oil in a bowl.
  • Step 3: While the mixture is still warm, thoroughly stir it for a few minutes. After blending it thoroughly, keep the oil aside to cool.
  • Step 4: The hibiscus and coconut oil for hair is ready for use.
  • Step 5: Hibiscus oil should be applied to your scalp and left on for at least 30 minutes after a five-minute massage.
  • Step 6: Use lukewarm water and a mild shampoo to wash your hair and scalp.

The oil needs to be kept in a cool, dry location, ideally in a glass container.

Hibiscus Hair Oil: Its Benefits And How To Make It At Home

Advice on how to increase hair growth with the oil

  • Use this hibiscus oil at least once or twice a week.
  • Let it sit on your hair and scalp all night for the best results.
  • You can steam your hair with a hot towel to open the pores on your scalp and the cuticles of your hair if you plan to use this mixture as a hair mask oil.
  • It is simpler to absorb nutrients and maintain stronger hair when the pores on your scalp are open.
  • You can include carrier oils like olive, almond, or vitamin E oil.
  • This will increase the oil’s ability to deeply moisturise your hair.

Take away

This oil provides the nourishing qualities of carrier oils like almond, coconut, and olive oil. All three of them deeply moisturise the hair. Therefore, using this homemade oil will help you stop hair loss while also hydrating your hair.

Prepare your hibiscus hair oil now for healthy hair!

Warning: The FDA has not given its approval for hibiscus. Before applying it to your hair and scalp, consult a doctor.

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आसान मुल्तानी मिट्टी फेस पैक: Multani Mitti in hindi

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