How to Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist?

How to Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist?

We can attest that gum disease is unpleasant. Gum disease can seriously harm your oral health if you don’t follow your brushing schedule. Looking for a dentist-free method to treat gum disease? While we always advise coming in, here are some of our best advice and solutions.

What is Gum Disease?

Periodontitis, also known as gum disease or periodontal disease, arises from bacterial overgrowth in the mouth and, if left untreated, can result in tooth loss. As the disease worsens, the tissue that surrounds your teeth may be lost.

If unattended, it may result in tooth loss and even worsen other health conditions. Gum disease must be treated if oral health is to be preserved and further harm is to be avoided.

Symptoms of Gum Disease

Periodontal disease can have subtle symptoms, but they are still there and should not be disregarded. Gum disease symptoms include:

  • bleeding gums both during and after brushing your teeth.
  • swollen and reddened gums.
  • a lingering bad taste in the mouth or offensive breath.
  • receding gums.
  • deep pockets between the gums and teeth
  • moving or loose teeth
Symptoms of Gum Disease

Causes of Gum Disease

Inadequate oral hygiene is frequently the first sign of gum disease. Every day, plaque builds up on your teeth. If you’re not brushing and flossing your teeth thoroughly, this plaque can accumulate and lead to the beginnings of gum disease.

Gum disease can have a variety of causes and risk factors, in addition to poor oral hygiene:

  • Plaque
  • diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, diabetes, and Crohn’s disease
  • Puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, and menopause all cause hormonal changes.
  • diseases like diabetes, HIV, and cancer
  • specific medicines
  • drug abuse
  • mouth ache
  • Gum disease runs in the family
  • Immunodeficiency
  • a lack of nutrition
  • missing vitamin C
  • both chewing and smoking tobacco

How to Cure Gum Disease Without a Dentist?

For the control and treatment of infections and gum disease, professional dental care is essential. However, adding natural remedies to your overall plan can also be beneficial.

Home remedies can help manage gum disease in those who have just started to notice bleeding but have no pain or looseness.

To learn “how to cure gum disease without a dentist” using natural remedies, keep reading.

1. Green tea

1. Green tea

Green tea contains a wealth of healthy antioxidants that can significantly lessen gum inflammation.

Tea’s polyphenols also inhibit the development of some oral bacteria that can eventually cause gum disease.

Organic honey has potent antibacterial and antiseptic qualities in addition to being effective in treating gum disease and preventing tooth decay. Additionally beneficial to general health and wellbeing is a cup of tea in the morning and evening.

2. Salt water

2. Salt water

Another back-to-basics solution that may help lower your risk of gum disease is salt. The mineral is a natural disinfectant that can clear out any harmful bacteria in your mouth and heal inflamed gum tissue. Grab some sea salt, combine it with some boiling water, and then rinse your mouth with the mixture once it has cooled.

This is a beneficial way to maintain your oral health in addition to your regular brushing and flossing.

Additionally, it can aid in lowering mouth inflammation. Through its ability to absorb extra fluid, salt can also help to reduce swelling. Warm salt water can be a good place to start if you need a home remedy for a gum abscess.

3. Consistent brushing routine

3. Consistent brushing routine

Gum disease risk is significantly reduced by brushing for two minutes twice a day. Also, remember to floss! One of the best ways to maintain healthy gums is to floss once per day. You can get rid of the main cause of gum disease by removing plaque and stifling the bacteria that live on teeth and gums.

It is essential to consistently incorporate brushing and flossing into your daily routine, both in the morning and at night, because bacteria grow quickly in the mouth.

4. Sage mouthwash for the gum

4. Sage mouthwash for the gum

Mouthwashes with sage have the ability to reduce the bacteria that cause gum disease and dental plaque. Sage can be used to make a rinse by adding it to boiling water and simmering it, then straining it and storing it in a bottle for twice daily use.

5. Lemongrass Oil mouthwash

5. Lemongrass Oil mouthwash

Using a mouthwash with a tiny amount of lemongrass oil can help lower the amount of bacteria in plaque on teeth. Simply combine two to three drops of lemongrass oil with a cup of water to make the lemongrass oil rinse. Spit out the mixture after swishing it around in your mouth for 30 seconds.

6. Aloe Vera

6. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is as effective at reducing disease-causing bacteria as two commercial toothpastes, according to research. After gum surgery, aloe vera gel can help the body heal more quickly and with less pain. Aloe vera may offer comfort if your gums are sore or swollen. Make sure the product is 100 percent pure. Swish for 30 seconds, brush and spit as the rinse. Alternatively, you could directly massage the gums with the gel.

7. Baking Soda

7. Baking Soda

Utilising sodium bicarbonate can protect your teeth and gums from damaging oral bacteria, neutralise acids that damage and cause inflammation, and even make your smile more vibrant by removing stains. By combining a small amount of baking soda with water, you can make a paste that you can use to gently brush your teeth.

8. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

8. Drink plenty of water throughout the day

A key component of maintaining good oral hygiene and preventing gum disease is drinking plenty of water. Food particles and bacteria that might build up in the mouth can be removed with the help of water. This lessens the possibility of plaque accumulation and may support maintaining healthy gums.

When You Should take a Gum appointment with your Dentist

To improve your chances of a speedy and complete recovery, it’s critical to seek treatment for your gums as soon as possible.

If you experience any of the following signs or symptoms, you should speak with your doctor or dentist:

  • bad tooth pain
  • ongoing bad breath
  • excessive bleeding from the gums
  • extreme gum swelling or inflammation
  • If necessary, your dentist may recommend a periodontist while cleaning your teeth.

To monitor any gum disease and assist you with any required treatments, you should visit your dentist at least every six months.

The Bottom Line

It’s critical for your general health and wellbeing to get rid of gum disease. Gum disease not only increases your risk of tooth loss but also of other serious health problems like diabetes, heart disease, and stroke. Do something right away if you suspect you have gum disease. If you want to treat your gum disease at home without visiting a dentist, take into account the above-mentioned steps. If not, be sure to speak with your dentist for additional details and care.

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